Category: Design

  • 2.5 Free Simple and elegant Business Cards

    2.5 Free Simple and elegant Business Cards

    Business card designs don’t have to be wild and crazy to be effective. Simple and elegant business card designs often have a greater impact than complicated cards, because the message is clear. With this statement in mind we created this 2.5 (because two of them are nearly identical) free business cards that will be timeless.

  • 60+ Creative and Gorgeous Wallpapers for iPhone 4 #2

    60+ Creative and Gorgeous Wallpapers for iPhone 4 #2

    The iPhone4 is already out since a few month and if you are one of the luckiest who have pick up one of Apple’s latest iPhones, you will these wallpapers to adorn that gorgeous Retina Display. This screen is unlike anything we have seen before on a mobile device and shows graphics with incredible clarity…

  • Photoshop, Webdesign & WordPress. What you shouldn’t have missed this week!

    Photoshop, Webdesign & WordPress. What you shouldn’t have missed this week!

    This is our first weekly column in which we share our favorites posts, articles and resources with our readers all from last week. We will focus only of the BEST of Photoshop, Webdesign, Inspiration, Resources and WordPress Articles!